A Pinnacle Cup V ended up with a bitter taste to the FURY. The team lost the final to 00 Nation and took the runner-up. However, Yuri has a personal brand to celebrate. The player was the best among the five Brazilians in the international competition.
In 7 maps, yuurih had a Rating of 1.19 and +17 of positive K/D balance, the difference between death and kills of the player. Overall, despite reaching the final, the Brazilian player was the 15th best player in the tournament. This happened due to the fact that FURIA entered the competition already in the quarterfinals. The other athletes competed in the competition from the beginning.
In addition to the stats already mentioned, yuurih, despite having only played a few games, was fifth in average damage per round. The Brazilian ended the tournament with an average of 88.6. Other FURIA players also stood out in some regard.
KSCERATO had the fourth best average kills per round: 0.53. The captain FalleN finished the tournament fourth in average kills with AWP per round: 0.47. Finally, arT was the fifth best opening kill winner: an average of 0.19 per round.
published in August 26, 2023
Source: https://maisesports.com.br/pinnacle-cup-v-yuurih-foi-o-melhor-jogador-da-furia-no-torneio