With the end of the season VALUING 2023, some championships OFF//SEASON are happening until the start of the next international tournaments. A FURY will be competing in the SUPERDOME, a competition in Bogotá, Colombia.

The Brazilian team is part of one of the four teams that will compete in the tournament. The event is organized by Riot Games and takes place between the 10th and 12th of November, at Coliseo Medplus, in the Colombian capital.

Times present in the OFF//SEASON championship:

  • FURY
  • Leviathan
  • Cloud9
  • KRÜ Esports

Although there is no information available on the prize pool, the tournament will follow a double-elimination bracket format, where all matches will be played in a best-of-three (MD3) series, except for the grand final, which will take place in a better format. of five maps (MD5).

FURIA will represent Brazil and is the only team in the country to participate in this event, however, in addition to the Panthers, the championship will have the presence of quotation marks, which was one of Leviatán’s signings for 2024.

This will be the second championship for the Brazilian organization after announcing the new line-up for next year. It is worth mentioning that FURIA signed with Havoc, Liazzi and Koy to compete in VCT Americas.

published in October 19, 2023

Source: https://maisesports.com.br/off-season-furia-e-leviatan-jogarao-presencialmente-em-bogota

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