As usual, Nintendo’s hammer of justice continues to “sing” against piracy. Now, the Japanese giant has filed more lawsuits against two parties in a federal court in Washington, United States.
According to the TorrentFreakthe first process applied by Big N is being directed to Modded Hardware — specifically Ryan Daly, who heads the group. The document says Nintendo asked him to stop selling the modified Switch.
Despite agreeing to the order, Daly continued to sell the pirated device — which ultimately led to the lawsuit. According to the allegations, Nintendo says the Modded Hardware sells various hardware that allows the Switch to run pirated copies of the company’s games.
Nintendo is suing two people in federal court in Washington, USA.Source: Nintendo
The second lawsuit is against James “Archbox” Williams. Here, the Japanese giant claims that Williams encourages piracy and is the “driving force” behind several pirate stores. “Defendant is well aware that his conduct is illegal and infringes Nintendo’s intellectual property rights. Indeed, Defendant has publicly bragged about being a ‘pirate’ who ‘[não] will give Nintendo $50 for a game,'” Big N said.
The amount charged by Nintendo was not mentioned in either lawsuit — but it’s quite possible that it’s in the region of a few million dollars.
Nintendo Receives Millions in Settlement Through Lawsuits
This is not the first time that Nintendo has decided to take action against piracy of its games. In May of this year, the Japanese giant also sued Tropic Haze, the company responsible for Yuzu — a famous Nintendo Switch emulator.
In February, Nintendo alleged that Yuzu was “facilitating piracy on a colossal scale” of its properties. Tropic Haze settled the lawsuit a few weeks later, agreeing to pay $2.4 million in fines. The Japanese giant also subsequently took down more than 8,500 clones and alternative links to the program.
Piracy of the company’s consoles is something that moves an entire community on the networks. There are several options, such as unlocking the Switch itself or through emulators on the PC, but the fact is that the brand’s games always arrive early on these platforms.
Zelda franchise is one of the most pirated on Nintendo Switch.Source: Nintendo
Zelda: Tears of the Kingdomfor example, was released on May 12th last year, but a week and a half before its premiere the sequel was already being pirated more than 1 million times on Yuzu — which offered much better playback options than on Nintendo’s console, by the way.
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Source: https://www.tecmundo.com.br/voxel/286540-nintendo-processa-empresas-modificacoes-switch-entenda.htm