Last Friday (27), Microsoft announced a significant increase in the price of the Xbox Series S in Brazil: while the model currently costs R$2,649, the suggested price will rise to R$3,599 in the coming weeksaccording to the brand’s official statement.
Since the announcement of the change in the console’s value, which occurred about a month before Black Friday, Many players expressed discontent on social media. A fan movement is being carried out on platforms like Twitter (X) to try to reach names like Phil Spencer and Sarah Bond, high-ranking executives of the brand, to try to reverse the change.
To date, however, both the brand’s executives and the company’s Brazilian division remain silent on social media, which has generated confusion among the public. In a statement sent to Voxel, Xbox Brasil’s advisors were emphatic: the price of the Xbox Series S will be adjusted in Brazil.
The price of the Xbox Series S will be adjusted by approximately 36%, increasing by R$1000 in Brazil.
Xbox Series S price will increase
One of the noises created in recent days about the price of the Xbox Series S in Brazil involves the console’s official page on the brand’s website. Since the announcement of the price change, the value of the console has changed on the website several times, according to reports from the community.
While, at the time of this article, the displayed price is R$2,649, Microsoft reaffirmed that the value will be updated over the next few weeks. “The official Xbox website will be updated with the new suggested price in the coming days,” the company told Voxel.
The company also reaffirmed that the statement from Friday (27), sent first to The Enemy and reproduced here on Voxel, continues to contain official information regarding the matter. I.e: the price of the Xbox Series S will increase in Brazil soon.
Brand silence
While part of the public is confused and hoping that the brand will reverse the price change, Microsoft and its representatives remain silent on social media. Since the announcement of the change in value, the main profiles involving Xbox in Brazil remain silent.
Until this Tuesday morning (31), the Xbox Brasil account on Twitter and Instagram had been without new posts since October 26th. Phil Spencer and Sarah Bond, who head Microsoft’s games division, have also not published on social media since last week.
While a date for changing the price of the Xbox Series S has not been made official by Microsoft Brazil, the tendency is for the new prices to begin to be applied in the country in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, it is still possible to find the console focused on cost-benefit with prices around R$2,300 in the country, in e-commerce stores like Amazon.
So, what did you think of the price increase and lack of communication from Microsoft regarding the Xbox Series S? Leave your opinion on Instagram or Twitter do Voxel.
Console Xbox Series S

The smallest, sleekest Xbox ever. Experience the speed and performance of an all-digital, next-generation console.
Console Xbox Series X

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Source: https://www.tecmundo.com.br/voxel/273295-microsoft-reafirma-aumento-preco-xbox-series-s-confusao.htm