O site Yearin is almost a “TBT” event, after all the statistics website brings together several individual numbers and also brought the LoL Ranked Queue numbers around the world. It is worth noting that China did not send server data to the website.
Which server had the most popular Ranked Queue in 2023?
The most frequented LoL Ranked Queue in 2023 was the server Koreanthe database registered 95.648.839 players playing in at least one Ranked throughout the year.
For comparison purposes, Brazil had 33.722.228 players. Check out the top 3 most popular ranked queues:
- Top 1: Koreacom 95.648.839 players;
- Top 2: Western European (EUW), with 82,934,320 players;
- Top 3: Northeast European (EUNE), with 39.759.159 players.
What was the most popular link in 2023?
In the 2023 season, the Elo with the most players was the Bronzecom 20% of League of Legends players. It was just a little above the Gold, had 19% of the players. The data is from League of Graphs.

published in February 6, 2024
Source: https://maisesports.com.br/lol-qual-servidor-teve-a-fila-ranqueada-mais-popular-em-2023