O rework do Skarner The concept, story and even some of the gameplay have already been released. At the beginning of the year it was announced that the new Skarner would arrive at first half of 2024and it seems that not long for the community to experience news.

Skarner’s sketch (Image: Disclosure/Riot Games)

Rework do Skarner tem data?

The truth is that an exact date was not released, but a Rioter responded to a comment on Reddit that could infect those waiting for the Skarner rework.

Image of Skarner's rework in League
(Image: Disclosure/LoL)

According to Rioter, in the coming weeks Skarner will be available on the PBE. Check out Riot Brightmoon’s full speech:

I was worried that I was talking TOO MUCH about the new Skarner, but back to the topic: it will be available in a few weeks – not a few months. So wait a little longer and it will already be on the PBE.

In the photo, Riot Brightmoon, who announced the Skarner rework
Photo: Disclosure/Riot Games

Source: https://maisesports.com.br/lol-riot-volta-a-falar-sobre-data-para-o-rework-do-skarner

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