Riot Games is planning a move to Mordekaiser which will make him VERY strong from patch 14.8 onwards, the MSI 2024, and this change is already giving the community a lot to talk about.
Change to Mordekaiser in patch 14.8
A ult Kingdom of Death, brings a unique interaction and takes the opponent to another dimension, so they can have a sincere x1 with Mordekaiser. However, with the item “Mercury Bandana”, It is possible to opt out of this ability, but Riot intends to change that.
Although it is still being tested, the big buff planned for Mordekaiser is precisely remove this effect from the item in your ult. This way, several champions will be left with nothing to do in the Kingdom of Death, at most being able to use a Zhonya to buy more time.
Rioter Phroxzon spoke about the change:
Over time, Mordekaiser has a lot of counterattacks, especially in higher elos. If you’re playing Mordekaiser, you want his kit to be effective!
Obviously the change is generating a lot of discussion in the community, pointing out how strong Mordekaiser can be, especially against champions without mobility. However, it is not guaranteed that it will officially reach the game, so it will be tested on the PBE.
O patch 14.8 is scheduled to arrive on April 17th. Will Mordekaiser get pick or ban?
published in April 9, 2024edited 3 days ago
Source: https://maisesports.com.br/lol-sem-escapatoria-essa-mudanca-vai-deixar-o-mordekaiser-muito-forte