As Skins Custom They are already a brand in the LoL community, like, for example: the Zac Luffy Gear 5 or the Twisted Fate Silvio Santos. However, users and creators of custom skins are afraid of the new Riot Anti-cheat, Vanguard.

Custom skins community

Content creators and users of custom skins vented about the possible ban on social media.

The European streamer Druttut he said on his X (Old Twitter) that the day of this revelation was very sad.

This is a very sad day, Riot’s announcement that Vanguard will now be mandatory to play is pretty much confirmation that custom skins will now be practically unusable.

A small community of people who put a lot of work/passion into creating these silly mods just got a huge middle finger from Riot.

A lot of my stream is highlighting those silly mods, it brings me so much joy playing.

But with the start of Season 14 all of that will be gone, and the cheaters will probably be back bombing your lobby in 3-4 months at the most.

Luffy skin made by fans (Image: Disclosure/Sauronkaiser)

Brazilian creator of custom skins was banned from LoL

The Brazilian breeder known as Soraka02 is responsible for several creations that went viral in the community. The day Riot revealed that Vanguard would arrive in League, he had his account banned for “inappropriate use of third-party programs”.

Obviously Riot did not specify which program caused the ban, but it suggests that it is the one used for skins made by the community.

Riot did not comment on the case

Riot never prohibited users from creating custom skins, only if they brought some type of advantage. However, Vanguard can understand cosmetic altering bots as a threat.

So far, Riot has not commented on the matter and there is also no concrete certainty as to whether, in fact, there could be automatic bans due to Vanguard.

Remember some of the best custom skins made:

Sergio Fiorini
published in January 8, 2024


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