A movie story. After the purchase of CLG, the NRG returned to the league and already won the title in its first stage in the dispute. They beat the favorite Cloud9 and raised the cup of da da LCS 2023 2ยบ Split.
With the result, they arrive at Worlds 2023 as the 1st seed in North America, already in the Swiss Phase of the competition. A Cloud9in turn, is also in this phase with the Team Liquid. Me and Golden Guardians will play an md5 with seed 4 in the LEC for a spot in the Entry Phase.
Line-up da NRG na LCS 2023 2ยบ Split
- TOP: Dhokla
- JUNGLE: Contractz
- MID: Palafox
NRG is champion after buying CLG seat
Since when was it still CLG, the organization underwent an internal roster reconstruction process. Accustomed to big foreign names, they started to look and invest more in native talents and low career players.
In the last two stages, still as CLG, they reached the LCS playoffs, but they couldn’t fill their eyes so much. With the purchase by NRG and the arrival of a new duo in the bot, everything changed.
Once again, they reached the decisive stage of the competition and in the upper bracket. With the wins against Team Liquid e Golden Guardiansare guaranteed in Worlds 2023 and lost to Cloud9 in the aftermath. They came through the lower bracket, and had their rematch in the decision to crown this beautiful story with a title.
published in August 21, 2023edited 3 days ago
Source: https://maisesports.com.br/lcs-2023-nrg-vence-a-favorita-cloud9-e-e-campea