It’s not just in Brazil that the transfer window is very busy. At LCKthe teams are already announcing their new players for the squads of the next season of the competition.

A KT Rolster presented this Saturday (25) two athletes who will be part of the team next year. Are they Pyosik e Defta duo that worked together in DRXbut they were on separate teams in the last stage.

Deft was at Dplus KIA, while Pyosik defended the Team Liquid. This will be the last year of the ADC, who will have to serve in the army from 2025 onwards.

KT must have another World Champion

According to rumors, in addition to Deft and Pyosik, the organization will sign BeryL, former ADC duo and also Worlds champion. In the middle, Bdd will be maintained and will be the only one from the last KT cast to follow.

At the top, according to journalists, PerfecTa top young talent, will take over from Kiinwhich should reinforce the Gen.G together with Canyon for the next stage of the tournament.

See other LCK movements:

Reproduction/Riot Games
Luis Santana
published in November 25, 2023


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