Alan Wake 2 was released last Friday (27), giving the opportunity to delve once again into the character’s dark universe. And, at these times, a question that may arise in the minds of many is the following: How long does it take to complete this journey?
If this question has crossed your mind, we will give you some indications of how much time you need to invest in Alan Wake 2 depending on your playing style. Just continue reading to find out.
How long does it take to beat Alan Wake 2?
If you continue to think about the time to venture into Alan Wake 2, see below how much time you need to dedicate to the title. All estimates below are those found on the How Long to Beat website:
- Main story: 14 and a half hours
- Main story and side quests: 21 hours
- Complete game: 28 hours
Additionally, the website mentions an estimate for those who want to do a little bit of everything. This way, if you want to finish the game by doing some quests and getting certain extras, you need to dedicate 19 hours.
Two sides of the story
Alan Wake 2 continues the events seen in the first game, this time bringing two controllable characters: Alan himself and agent Saga Anderson. In charge of them, you have to dive into a plot that involves investigations and dealing with scary creatures.
Several classic elements of the franchise return here, such as the use of the flashlight as an aim and a resource to weaken opponents. We also have the presence of Safe Heavens, areas with light where opponents cannot reach you and help you recover part of your health.
Alan Wake 2 is now available for Xbox Series S/X, PlayStation 5 and PC. If you haven’t checked it out yet, we’ve already published our opinion about the game here on Voxel. I left your comment about the game in our review on YouTube!
Pre-Sale: Alan Wake 2 Game

Realistic game about experience in two worlds
Source: https://www.tecmundo.com.br/voxel/273266-tempo-leva-zerar-alan-wake-2-veja-media-horas.htm