Another week of May full of launches. And the highlight could not be otherwise Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2an expected exclusive game for Xbox Series S/X and PC, which promises to be Microsoft’s big bet for 2024 — at least in the first half of the year.

The week will also be marked by the arrival of expected re-releases, such as System Shock Remake, which brings a new look to the 1994 game, as well as new features that even include a new ending. Already Paper Mario: The Thousand – Year Door is the remake of the Gamecube classic which, for many, is the best title in this franchise.

This week we will also have the launch of XDefiant, a new action game from Ubisoft that promises to be the company’s new bet for the competitive scene. And finally, we also have the arrival of Ships at Sea, a ship simulator that promises a high degree of realism, both in terms of visuals and gameplay. Check out the complete list and respective prices.

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 – May 21

After a long wait, one of the most anticipated exclusive games for the Xbox Series S/X will finally be released. Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 arrives this week after much anticipation, as it is perhaps Microsoft’s biggest bet for this year, as, to date, there is no other long-awaited game for the platform.

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2Source: Microsoft Store

The story takes place after the first game, where Senua is now a kind of “savior” of the oppressed in her region. After accepting her curse, the warrior must now deal with the voices in her head, and thus use them to her advantage to protect her people. The game is already on pre-sale for R$229.00, and will arrive for free, on launch day, for Xbox Game Pass subscribers.

System Shock Remake – May 21

  • Plataformas: PS5 e Xbox Series S/X

The remake of the classic 90s FPS will hit consoles this week. It was released exclusively for PCs last year, but only now has the video game adaptation finally been completed. In addition to graphics, the new version of System Shock runs in 4K at 60 FPS, and has a new ending.

System Shock RemakeSystem Shock RemakeSource: Steam

In the game, you control a hacker who needs to investigate what happened at Citadel Station, which was cruelly attacked by the artificial intelligence SHODAN. To do this, you will need to talk to survivors, investigate rooms, solve mysteries in the system and, of course, survive the fearsome enemies. The game does not yet have a defined value.

XDefiant – May 21

  • Plataformas: PS5, Xbox Series S/X e PC

Ubisoft’s free FPS will hit consoles and PCs this week. It will be focused on multiplayer matches, where there will be clashes between teams in five different modes. Furthermore, at its launch, the game will have 14 maps, 10 of which are arena-style and 4 of which are progress maps.

XDefiantXDefiantFonte:  Ubisoft

Another big attraction of the game is that it will be full of references to other Ubisoft games. For example, it will be possible to join the game’s Dedsec faction Watch Dogsor even Libertad, of Far Cry 6. The game will be free, and will feature aesthetic items for purchase within the game.

Paper Mario: The Thousand – Year Door – May 23

One of the Game Cube’s most acclaimed games will get a remake this week. Paper Mario: The Thousand – Year Door brings back the classic mustachioed game, which is considered by many to be the best chapter in this franchise, which mixes adventure and RPG elements.

Paper Mario: The Thousand - Year DoorPaper Mario: The Thousand – Year DoorSource: Nintendo

In the plot, Mario is summoned by Princess Peach to go to the city of Rogueport, more precisely to the house of the mysterious Thousand-Year Door. However, upon arriving there she is (once again) kidnapped, this time by the enigmatic X-Nauts. Now the mustachioed man will have to explore the place, looking for clues to save the maiden. The game is already on pre-sale for R$299.00.

Ships at Sea – May 23

Embarking on the simulator fever, which recently returned with full force, Ships at Sea brings a bold proposal: to put players in command of ships. Therefore, you will need to take care of everything from simple elements, such as navigation coordinates, to everyday activities, such as hull maintenance and fishing to feed your crew.

Ships at SeaShips at SeaSource: Steam

The game also has a cooperative mode that allows up to four players to take charge of the same set of vessels, where each player takes on different tasks. Furthermore, it promises high realism, whether in the graphics or in the marine life around your ships. The game does not yet have a defined value.

And in your opinion, what is the most anticipated game of the week? Tell us on Voxel’s social media!


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