League of Legends e Dota 2 They are very similar games, and at the same time protagonists of one of the biggest “rivalries” in the gaming world: which is the best game. Even more than 10 years since they were released, the forerunners of the MOBA genre still go toe-to-toe with others like FIFA X PES and Mario X Sonic.
And for beginners who want to embark on this type of game, there is always a big question as to which one to start or which one to choose. And to help you with this, today Voxel puts the two titles side by side, showing where each of them stands out most in different categories. Check out!
The first question is precisely what leads to the big cut in opinions. Firstly, it must be said that the gameplay of both games is very similar, as they have the same combat system, objectives, and even a great similarity in the skills of their respective characters.
Battles in Dota 2 are more dynamic and strategicSource: Steam
However, the big difference is precisely the way the battles unfold. In Dota 2, there is a greater focus on strategy, mainly in relation to advancing areas and dominating enemy bases. There is greater difficulty in progressing at this point, requiring teams to be very aligned with each character that makes up the group, and to have more assertive planning for attacks.
Already in League of Legends, everything happens faster. Fights between characters from opposing groups occur more frequently, and attacks can happen at any time. This means that the game also has a certain preference for those who watch, as the matches are more intense and faster than in other games. Dota 2.
Fights in League of Legends are more intense and frequentSource: Reproduction / YouTube
Graphics and performance
In terms of visuals, both games also have a huge similarity. Starting with the setting, which can confuse those who are not used to games. The biggest difference is around the positioning of visual elements on the screen, such as the map, skill graphs, among others.
League of Legends runs even on more modest PCsFonte: Riot Games
Regarding visual quality, League of Legends It’s a more accessible game for those who don’t have a PC with such good hardware. Within the game it is possible to reduce graphic elements so that it becomes lighter, and at the same time its performance will not be compromised. Therefore, it is possible to run the game even at 60 frames per second without it experiencing crashes or similar problems.
Already in Dota 2, a slightly more powerful PC is required in the minimum requirements. This is because, even at lower levels of graphical options, the game still has greater detail than its competitor, whether in the setting of the matches, the characters and the execution of skills in combat. The same goes for performance, where it is also possible to have stable matches at 60 fps with the minimum hardware configuration indicated.
Dota 2 has better graphics than League of LegendsSource: Steam
Below you can check the minimum requirements for each game.
Dota 2
- Processor: Intel Dual Core ou AMD com 2,8 GHz;
- RAM memory: 4 GB;
- Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 8600/9600GT or ATI/AMD Radeon HD2600/3600;
- Disk space: Requires 60 GB of free space;
League of Legends
- Processor: Intel Core i3-530 ou AMD A6-3650;
- RAM memory: 2 GB;
- Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 9600GT ou AMD HD 6570 ou Intel HD 4600;
- Disk space: Requires 16 GB of free space.
Competitive Landscape
Another very important element when choosing one of the games is precisely its current competitive scenario. This is because most of the players who venture into both titles aim to try to stand out in official competitions, and even venture into teams aiming for smaller tournaments.
CBLOL is the most popular national esport tournament in BrazilFonte: Riot Games
In this regard, League of Legends has a huge advantage in Brazil. The game is by far one of the most popular and with the most watched competitive scene in the entire country. Its main championship, CBLOL, has an average of 111 thousand views, which makes it the most important esports tournament here in Brazil.
In turn, Dota 2 has the biggest tournament in the world in terms of prizes: The International. The 2023 version of the competition paid out more than US$40 million in total prize money, remaining the most valuable on the planet. However, the game’s national scene is not one of the most popular, even with the growth of Brazilian teams, with Vivo Keyd Stars qualifying for the competition’s playoffs for the first time in the last edition.
The International of Dota 2 is one of the most famous esprot tournaments in the worldSource: Schack News
But after all, which is the best?
It is not possible to say that one game is better than the other, but rather that they appeal to two different types of players. If you are looking for a more strategic game, aiming for cooperation with your team, and less intense and frequent combats, Dota 2 is the most recommended.
But if you prefer more frenetic gameplay, especially to play without a defined team, and in faster and more dynamic matches, League of Legends is the best option. Furthermore, it has the bonus of running on weaker PCs and having a mobile version, called Wild Riftfor those who don’t have a computer, and want to play Moba.
Wild Rift is the mobile version of League of LegendsFonte: Riot Games
And in your opinion, which is the best: Dota 2 or LoL? Tell us on Voxel’s social media!
Source: https://www.tecmundo.com.br/voxel/282410-dota-2-x-lol-jogo-melhor.htm