Wallpaper Engine is an application that allows you to customize your desktop with dynamic images, generating 3D or 2D wallpapers. Because it produces various effects on the screen, many can imagine that such animations can require a lot of processing and memory. But does this really happen?
In the lines below, we will talk about how this application (sold on Steam for R$9.99) works and if, in fact, your games will suffer if you decide to run Wallpaper Engine on your machine.
Does PC FPS decrease when using Wallpaper Engine?
Considering that a high FPS (frames per second) rate is essential in many games, it is a valid concern to know whether the Wallpaper Engine can in fact affect your machine’s performance in games in any way. And, in a straightforward way, the answer is simple: no..
It is true that the application takes up some of the machine’s processing power and memory, but you will maybe lose 1 or 2 frames per second at mostwhich still wouldn’t be enough to cause lag or any other problem in your game.
One thing that many people may not know is that Wallpaper Engine has a function that pauses the effects used on wallpapers when another programsuch as a game, is running in full screen.
Example of art created with Wallpaper Engine. (Source: X)Source: X/Reproduction
What if I experience lag even with Wallpaper Engine in the background?
Even leaving Wallpaper Engine running in the background, there is a possibility that some people may experience problems while running their games. Therefore, we suggest following the steps below:
- Click on the Wallpaper Engine icon;
- Open the menu Settings and then access the tab Performance;
- In this area, check whether the option Playback is marked as Pause all.
This check is valid, as at some point there is the possibility of having changed something in one of these fields unintentionally. Another point is to observe the Quality optionwhere there is a chance to reduce the quality of animations to further slow down the use of computer resources.
It is also important to pay attention to the minimum and recommended requirements to make sure that your computer can run the application without problems.
Minimum requirements
- Operational system: Windows 7 (with Aero), 8.1, 10 or 11
- Processor: i5 1.66 GHz or equivalent
- Memory: 1 GB of RAM memory
- Video card: HD Graphics 4000 or higher, DirectX 10 compatible
- Disk Space: 512 MB of available space
recommended requirements
- Operational system: Windows 10 or 11
- Processor: i7 2.0 GHz or equivalent
- Memory: 2 GB of RAM memory
- Video card: GForce GTX 660, AMD HD7870 de 2GB ou superior
- Disk Space: 1 GB of available space
Do you use Wallpaper Engine on your computer? What do you think of him? Share your opinion with other readers using our social networks.
Source: https://www.tecmundo.com.br/voxel/269036-wallpaper-engine-afeta-performance-pc-fps-jogos.htm