More than a good champion or skills, Using good items can make a difference in matches League of Legends. With so many options, the question remains: which items to use in each build?

To better understand the uses of each item, We list below the more than 80 options available in League of Legends. Check out!

All items available in League of Legends (LoL)

  • Abyssal Mask: reduces the magic resistance of nearby enemies;
  • Anathema Chains: attaches to an enemy, reducing the damage they deal to you;
  • Archangel’s Staff: increases mana and ability power;
  • Burning Thurible: healing and shields grant attack speed and magic damage;
  • Atma’s Settlement of Accounts: increases attack damage based on maximum health;
  • Axiom Arc: kills partially reset the ultimate ability;
  • Banshee’s Way: grants a shield that blocks the next enemy ability;
  • Black Cleaver: reduces enemies’ armor with physical attacks;
  • Black Torch: additional magic damage and burns enemies;
  • Sword of the destroyed King: life steal and damage based on enemy’s maximum health;
  • Thirsty for blood: high attack damage and lifesteal.
  • Celestial Opposition: magic damage and healing nearby allies;
  • Quimtec Punk Cleaver: reduces healing received by enemies;
  • Cosmic Impulse: increases movement speed and ability power;
  • Cryptbloom: increases ability power and provides additional healing;
  • Dead Man’s Plaque: increases armor and movement speed;
  • Death dance: converts some of the damage taken into damage over time;
  • Dream Maker: offers healing or shield to allies;
  • Echoes of Helia: increases ability power and heals allies;
  • Eclipse: attack damage and bonuses when hitting enemies;
  • Threshold of Night: grants a spell shield and attack damage;
  • Tear of Essence: restores mana with critical hits;
  • Force of nature: increases magic resistance and movement speed;
  • Frozen heart: Reduces the attack speed of nearby enemies;
  • Guardian angel: revive champion after death;
  • Guinsoo’s Rageblade: increases attack speed and critical damage;
  • Steel heart: increases life and ability power;
  • Pistola Laminar Hextec: hybrid damage and healing on damage;
  • Hextech Rocket Belt: skill damage and forward momentum;
  • Horizon Focus: increases damage to enemies affected by crowd control;
  • Hoofbreaker: increases resistance and damage when fighting alone;
  • Iceborn Gauntlet: creates a slow area when attacking.
  • Immortal Shieldbow: grants a shield upon taking fatal damage.
  • Imperial Mandate: skill damage and marks enemies for additional damage;
  • Infinity edge: increases attack damage and critical strike chance;
  • Jak’Sho the Fickle: increases resistance and healing in prolonged combat;
  • Knight’s Vow: reduces damage taken by a designated ally;
  • Matador of Kraken: additional true damage on every third attack;
  • Torment of Liandry: damage over time based on enemy’s maximum health;
  • Lich Bane: increases the damage of the next attack after using a skill;
  • Medallion of the Iron Solari: grants a shield to nearby allies;

Whether in the competitive or casual scene, using good items makes a difference in League of Legends. (Source: GettyImages/Reproduction)Source: GettyImages/Reproduction

  • Reminder from Lord Dominik: increases damage to enemies with more health;
  • Luden’s Companion: additional magic damage when using skills;
  • Malignancy: increases damage to enemies with low health;
  • Manamune: increases mana and mana-based attack damage;
  • Malmortius jaw: grants a spell shield upon taking fatal magic damage;
  • Mejai’s Soul Stealer: increases ability power from kills and assists;
  • Mercurial Scimitar: removes control effects and grants movement speed;
  • Mikael’s Blessing: removes crowd control from an ally and heals;
  • Moonstone Renewer: heals nearby allies when using abilities;
  • Morellonomicon: reduces healing received by enemies;
  • Mortal Reminder: reduces healing received by enemies;
  • Muramana: increases mana-based damage;
  • Nashor’s Tooth: increases attack speed and ability power;
  • Navori Flickerblade: increases attack damage and cooldown reduction;
  • Opportunity: increases attack damage and lethality;
  • Ghost Dancer: increases attack speed and grants ghosts that aid in combat;
  • Unholy Hydra: area damage and lifesteal;
  • Rabadon’s Deathcap: drastically increases ability power;
  • Randuin’s Omen: reduces damage from incoming critical hits;
  • Smoking Cannon: increases the range of the next attack;
  • Angry Hydra: area damage and lifesteal;
  • Redemption: heals allies in a wide area;
  • Rift Maker: increases damage when fighting for a long time.
  • Staff of Ages: increases health, mana, and ability power over time;
  • Hurricane Runaan: grants additional attacks that hit nearby enemies;
  • Runic Compass: increases ability power and mana;
  • Rylai’s Crystal Scepter: additional slow when using skills;
  • Seraph’s Hug: increases mana and ability power;
  • Snake Taken: reduces shields received by enemies;
  • Serylda’s Grudge: increases damage and grants armor penetration;
  • Shadow Flame: increases damage to shielded enemies;
  • Rakkor Shield: increases resistances and grants shield when using skills;
  • Shurelya’s Battle Song: increases the movement speed of allies;
  • Shojin Spear: increases damage and reduces skill cooldown;
  • Visage Espiritual: increases healing and magic resistance;
  • Rod of Flowing Waters: increases ability power and movement speed;
  • Whisper Edge: chain damage when using basic attacks;
  • Deathrattle Claws: grants a shield upon taking fatal damage;
  • Razor of the Storm: increases damage and attack speed;
  • Step Breakers: grants a dash ability and bonus damage.

So, which of the above items are not missing from your builds? League of Legends? Share your set with other readers on our social networks, and take the opportunity to learn about games similar to LoL for mobile. See you next time!


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