Who thinks that the controversy with the “bug do coach” no CS:GO finished is wrong. The novel may gain new chapters. A Esports Integrity Commission (ESIC in English) will promote a new wave of sanctions for trainers who abused the bug.

In an interview with the INSITE YouTube channel In The Crosshair podcast, Ian Smith, Commissioner of ESIC, confirmed that new punishments will reach the competitive. He also said that the results of another investigation will be released soon.

According to Smith, there are coaches who have not yet been punished, but who will receive sanctions from the entity in the near future. In addition, the commissioner explained the reasons for the punishments being applied. This happens because for ESIC there are four different cases. The punishment will be done for what the company calls cheating, being the intentional movement during the bug to obtain information and advantages during the match.

Despite confirming the punishments to the coaches, they will have the right to appeal the decision. However, Smith believes the penalty will stand thanks to ESIC’s evidence to enforce the sanctions.

The “coach bug” was an error in competitive games in which the coach was free to walk around the map, which guaranteed an unfair advantage for whoever took advantage of the situation. In Brazil, in the first wave of punishments, warrior, apocalypse, dead, pew, prd, rich, ellllll and Arnoz1k4 suffered sanctions.

ESIC has two ongoing investigations into coach bugs (Photo: Reproduction)
Bruno Martins
published in August 24, 2023

Source: https://maisesports.com.br/csgo-mais-treinadores-serao-punidos-pela-esic-pelo-bug-do-coach

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