O CS2 is available to the general public, but professionals continue to criticize the current state of the game. NOTHING e coldzeraplayer of Legacytalked about the new version of Counter-Strike. For them, the game is not yet 100% ready and there are still points for the Valve improve, especially for the competitive scenario.
The players’ opinions were expressed during a press conference last Tuesday night (3), which was broadcast via Twitch to Legacy fans.
“CS2 is not ready”
In NEKIZ’s opinion, CS2 is not ready. The player also stated that there are changes that Valve has to implement to keep the game at its peak, but that athletes have to train in the new version, as there are already championships scheduled for the new version of Counter-Strike.
CS2 is a game that isn’t ready yet, in my opinion. Some things have to be improved, but as tournament organizers are rushing to hold competitions in CS2, we have to play, unfortunately.
Movement problems, large and more
Coldzera was more emphatic. The player, voted best in the world on two occasions, agreed with NEKIZ and also with Twistzz, and FaZe, who made a post criticizing the current state of CS2 for the competitive scene. To support his opinion, the Brazilian cited problems with movement, grenades and other issues.
I agree with Twistzz. CS2 is not ready in several ways. The movement of the game is raw, the collision between teammates is strange, some grenades are quite varied. Sometimes you use the jumpthrow bind and it doesn’t always work because of the movement. The game is not ready for several reasons.
Coldzera recalled that the transition from CS 1.6/Source for CS:GO it was the same and the problems presented in CS2 also happened at the beginning of CS:GO. The player cited brief changes made by Valve at the time and also criticized the developer for this.
It was like that at the beginning of CS:GO too. In the transition from CS 1.6 to CS:GO, I remember that in Europe and NA, they were already holding championships, and Valve was adjusting the game over time. The recoil, in fact, at the beginning of CS:GO, was very similar to Source and they changed it and it became similar to 1.6. So, these changes are normal to happen. Obviously everyone wants the game ready, but sometimes it’s not possible to make a game that quickly. What they could do is launch when CS2 is 100%, but as Valve always does these things, we have to wait for the game to be truly ready, accept it and continue playing and working.

Still, coldzera believes that the frequent updates made by Valve will help with the overall polishing of CS2 and that the game will be better than CS:GO. The player still understands that the new version of Counter-Strike has everything it needs to be the game of the century.
Things will change a lot, updates will definitely happen. I think CS2 tends to be a better game than CS:GO. In terms of mechanics, I think a lot will change from one game to the next. What happened is that CS:GO became very scarce, everyone knew how to do everything, so it’s difficult to create something new. Like it or not, it makes the game more competitive, as everyone is clueless, but it makes it difficult to create new strategies. CS2 tends to bring this creation part back and make it even more competitive, because players have more information nowadays and are smarter. CS2 tends to be the game of the century.
Legacy will debut on BLAST Premier: Fall American Showdown 2023 against the team FURY. The game will be played next Friday (6), at 3pm. The winner will advance to the semi-finals of the competition.
Source: https://maisesports.com.br/cs2-nekiz-e-coldzera-falam-sobre-estado-atual-do-jogo-nao-esta-pronto