KSCERATO was one of the targets of Liquid for your cast in CS2. The Brazilian player was approached by the team, but decided to reject the proposal from the Dutch organization. The refusal was for a noble reason that was highly valued by the fans: love for the team.

In an interview with the HLTV portal, KSCERATO spoke about the situation. According to the player, the best thing for his career was to stay in FURY. The athlete also praised the FURIA team and staff when talking about what motivated him to stay in the Brazilian organization.

Liquid asked me to play there. Now I have a lot of things on my mind, I had a lot of difficult moments this year. So now I think I want to stay at FURIA because I love my team, I love the organization, and I love the people behind the organization. I think that now, for me, the best thing is to stay at FURIA.

(Photo: Josip Brtan/HLTV)

The linguistic issue was not a problem for KSCERATO. This was not the factor that motivated him to continue at FURIA. The player stated that he would have no problems playing in a team that speaks another language, but confirmed that it would be better to play in a Brazilian team.

It’s good, but I don’t know what to say because it’s much better to play on a Brazilian team because Portuguese is my native language. I don’t think it’s a problem to play speaking English in Counter-Strike. For me there is no problem playing in Brazil or elsewhere. Brazilians will always root for me and support me wherever I am.

Speaking of cheering, Brazilian fans will see KSCERATO and company in action once again. FURIA debuts on PARI, Please 2023 this Thursday (16), at 4pmagainst the team of Aurora. The match is valid for Group B of the tournament.

Photo of kscerato, FURIA player who competes in ESL Pro League S17
Photo: Josip Brtan/HLTV
Bruno Martins
published in November 16, 2023

Source: https://maisesports.com.br/cs2-kscerato-fala-por-que-nao-aceitou-ir-para-liquid

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