Have a team of Counter-Strike It can cost the coffers of any organization dearly, even more so when the team is in Tier 1 of the competition. Former CEO of G2, ocelote confirmed that costs for a team can reach R$12.3 million annually.

The former CEO spoke about the subject to the CyberShoke YouTube channel. Still in the conversation, Ocelote revealed that the salaries of a team’s main players range from R$98,000 to R$147,000. Together with the salaries of other players, in addition to the technical committee and staff, the cost increases during the year.

If two players earn $30,000 a month, that’s $720,000 a year. Imagine there is another player with a salary of US$25,000 per month and that is equivalent to US$300,000 per year. I propose that we imagine that the rest of the team and coaching staff costs US$1.5 million, while the staff costs between US$600,000 and US$700,000. It’s US$2.2 million, plus bootcamps that can reach US$300,000, increasing the value to US$2.5 million annually.

It is difficult to cover these costs. According to Ocelot, sponsorships, for example, don’t pay well. The best ones, according to the former executive, pay around US$500,000.

Photo: Riot Games.
Bruno Martins
published in January 3, 2024

Source: https://maisesports.com.br/cs2-ex-ceo-da-g2-fala-que-time-no-topo-pode-custar-mais-de-r-12-milhoes

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