CBOLÃO staged one of the craziest clashes of all time! The monochampions of Full Clear Mentality e Eternal Protagonists faced the foreigners from Near Airport

The foreigners beat the FCM and ended up losing to the Eternal Protagonists. The Brazilian and foreign community went crazy with the two clashes!

Community reacts to monochampions against NA team

When does CBOLÃO CCXP 2023 take place?

The event takes place between December 1st and 3rd and will be based at CCXP, in São Paulo. Transmission takes place from 12pm to 5pm every day.

Where to watch CBOLÃO 2023?

You will be able to watch the championship through Baiano’s official channels on Twitch and also on YouTube, on CBOLÃO’s own channel.

Source: https://maisesports.com.br/cbolao-2023-comunidade-reage-a-vitoria-dos-monochampions-contra-o-na

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