A Vivo Keyd Stars (VKS) won the RED by 3×1 nos CBLOL 2024 playoffs! The development team will face paiN Gaming in the Final Inferior again. It was the traditional team that made the Warriors go to Lower Key.

Photo: Reproduction/CBLOL Flickr

VKS vs RED – Series Summary

Game 1 – RED runs like few others

The Pack gives a surreal performance with Lee Sin’s Aegis and Grevthar’s Ahri. A lot of action early in the game, and they ran over Smiley’s debutante Miss Fortune and opened game 1.

Game 2 – Janna from VKS Prodelta is a difference maker

Disamis has a phenomenal second match, but what steals the show is yet another debutante pick: Janna appearing for the first time at CBLOL 2024 at the hands of Prodelta. The choice was also a difference, and the draw came: 1×1.

Game 3 – Disamis once again for VKS!

Once again insisting on Rell, Disamis destroyed the match and controlled most of the fights. Helping with control, Veigar and Rakan also controlled well and RED watched more than they could propose a game. Keyd turns the score around: 2×1!

Game 4 – The final smile: SMILEY decides everything

With an out-of-the-box positioning, always managing to hit more in the teamfight than Brance, SMILEY’s VKS managed to prevail in a well-paced match! VKS manages to turn things around and win the Lower Key spot!

Sergio FioriniSergio Fiorini
published in April 13, 2024

Source: https://maisesports.com.br/cblol-2024-vai-ter-revanche-vks-ganha-da-red-e-vai-enfrentar-a-pain

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