A LOUD won the paiN Gaming by 3×1 nos CBLOL 2024 playoffs! The script repeats itself and LOUD is in Grande Final once again, at quarto split consecutive!
A paiN stays in Lower Key and will face the winner of RED contra Procuracy worth the last place in the Grande Final. Check out a little more from the series.
LOUD vs paiN – Series summary
Game 1 – LOUD meets game!
paiN dominated the beginning of the game, but in a dragon fight, with Dynquedo dealing very little damage, LOUD managed to turn the game around and secured the first match! Route was the man of the match.
Game 2 – PaiN shows bark. All tied!
With a very well-matched duo of Vi and Ahri from Dynquedo and Cariok, paiN manages to fit combos into most fights. The traditional ones tie the series, and no 3-0!
Game 3 – LOUD Tinowns and Route break the series tie!
In the third game, Route returns to Lucian and Tinowns calls on Brazilian Hwei and although they have a difficult start, the mid/game is where these two reign! They didn’t have any major difficulties and managed to get another game for LOUD!
Game 4 – LOUD dominance over paiN continues
In the fourth game, paiN is not aware of LOUD. At no point does she have the lead in the match, and in the end they accept their fate: 3 × 1, another defeat from Verduxa, who is looking for her 4th consecutive cup.
published in April 7, 2024edited 2 days ago
Source: https://maisesports.com.br/cblol-2024-roteiro-bugado-loud-ganha-a-pain-gaming-mais-uma-vez