Despite the combat of Baldur’s Gate 3 Although it is often praised for its high degree of freedom, some players dislike the turn-based style and how long it can be. If you are part of this team, know that 2023’s GOTY recently received a mod that brings real-time combat to the game.

The mod, created by GlaresAtKoalasallows players to control their characters in real time in Baldur’s Gate 3making fights much, much faster, but a little harder to control. Want to see what this new dynamic looks like? Then check out the video below!

Admittedly, the mod is a bit controversial. Baldur’s Gate 3 is considered one of the best RPGs of 2023 precisely because of its intricate and creative turn-based combat — so the content probably won’t please all audiences.

However, for anyone looking to start a new save differently, the real-time combat mod could be a great idea.

How to play Baldur’s Gate 3 with real-time combat mod?

In its current state, the Brawl – Real Time Combat Modas the mod is called, is only intended to be used with standalone game modes such as Trials of Tav — which is a roguelike mod for Baldur’s Gate 3.

It is worth remembering that GlaresAtKoalas is also working on making the real-time combat mod work in the singleplayer campaign of Baldur’s Gate 3. So if you’re trying to use the mod this way at the moment, be aware that you might encounter some issues and bugs.

Brawl Mod – Real Time Combat Mod brought real-time combat to Baldur’s Gate 3.Fonte:  Nexus Mods

If you are interested in real time combat mod for Baldur’s Gate 3you can download it through from this link. Remembering that it works better with the mod Trials of Tav — that can be downloaded here.

What did you think of mod that completely changes combat Baldur’s Gate 3? Comment on social media Voxel whether you prefer turn-based or more dynamic fights!

Buy the game Baldur’s Gate 3

Don’t have the game Baldur’s Gate 3 yet and want to check out the new mod? Take advantage and guarantee yours now!


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