A LoL Season 2023 is coming to an end, and before we enjoy the arrival of the 2024 Season, it’s time for us to get to know the link with more players of 2023.
Link with the most players in 2023
In this 2023 season, the Elo with the most players was the Bronzecom 20% of League of Legends players. It was just a little above the Gold, had 19% of the players. The data is from League of Graphs.
It is worth remembering that in 2023 Riot Games introduced a new link, Esmeralda, which had 13% of the player base, a considerable amount. Challenger remains the link with the fewest players, not only because it is the highest, but also because it only has 200 places.
See the complete ranking of the links with the most players in LoL in 2023:
- Bronze: 20%
- Gold: 19%
- Talk: 18%
- Platinum: 16%
- Esmeralda: 13%
- Ferro: 7.4%
- Diamante: 3.2%
- Teacher: 0.76%
- Grain–Teacher: 0.040%
- Challenging: 0.017%
Comparison with 2022
In 2022 the link with the most players was Talk, com 33%followed by Bronze and Gold, both with 24%, so we can see that it is a tendency for a large part of the LoL player base to fall between these links, varying a small percentage. See the ranking:
- Talk: 33%
- Gold: 24%
- Bronze: 24%
- Platinum: 10%
- Ferro: 4.1%
- Diamante: 1.7%
- Teacher: 0.18%
- Grand Master: 0.026%
- Challenging: 0.011%
It is also worth remembering that in 2023 Riot changed a little how it works to earn the Victorious Skin in LoL. Before, the player had to finish the season at the Gold level, now, after reaching the level once, he will already have it guaranteed, even if he is demoted later.
Link with more LoL players in Brazil
- Bronze: 21%
- Gold: 19%
- Talk: 18%
- Platinum: 15%
- Esmeralda: 13%
- Diamante: 2.9%
- Ferro: 7.4%
- Teacher: 0.85%
- Grand Master: 0.035%
- Challenging: 0.014%
When does LoL Season 2024 arrive?
The new season arrives on the day January, 10no patch do LoL 14.1. It’s worth remembering that the LoL Elo resets on the 9th at 23:59. This is your chance to get a new link and escape the much feared Come on!
published in January 9, 2024edited 8 hours ago
Source: https://maisesports.com.br/lol-esse-foi-o-elo-com-mais-jogadores-em-2023