FalleN is, without a doubt, the largest IGL in the history of Counter-Strike Brazilian. For an analyst, this is also true. But FalleN’s admiration goes beyond the national scene. For PimpVerdadeiro was the third largest IGL in the history of CS:GO.

As the only Brazilian on the list, FalleN confirms the fact that he is the greatest Brazilian captain. On the international issue, the Professor was only behind two Danes: carrigan (2nd) and gla1ve (1º).

In addition to the players mentioned, the Ukrainian Zeus and the Swedish Pronax completed the top 5. Pimp didn’t leave four players out. These were mentioned in the analyst’s honorable mentions. They are: the Swedish KhiztThe french apEXthe Danish cadiaN and the polish NEO.

Photo: Reproduction/HLTV
Bruno Martins
published in October 15, 2023

Source: https://maisesports.com.br/csgo-com-fallen-analista-elege-os-5-melhores-igl-da-historia

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