The streamer known as “Ice Poseidon” was the target of an unexpected attack while broadcasting live on the streets of Australia. Everything was recorded live and the attacker was captured by the influencer’s friends and arrested by the police.

Ice Poseidon is attacked with Pepper Spray; see the video

The incident shows a masked individual approaching Ice Poseidon and his friends and, without warning, spraying pepper spray directly into the streamer’s face. The entire situation was recorded live; Watch the video below starting at 2:11:

After the attack, Ice Poseidon’s friends acted quickly, pursuing and detaining the attacker. When confronted, the individual apologized. The police were called and the attacker was taken into custody. A captured image shows the moment the attacker is handcuffed and escorted by police officers.

(Image: Reproduction/Kick)

Repercussion and Declaration of Ice Poseidon

After the incident, Ice Poseidon spoke about what happened in a post on X (formerly Twitter), stating:

He thought it would be a funny joke to attack me with pepper spray. It’s not a joke and if you do it you will be arrested and suffer the consequences. I guarantee that I will pursue this to the fullest. Plus, my community will know your name because of police records, and obviously no one wants that.

There is no information about the consequences generated for the aggressor

The attacker’s age has not yet been released, which could influence the final decision, as minors are treated differently in the Australian legal system.

In Australia, the use of pepper spray is strictly regulated. Any unauthorized use of the item may result in a prison sentence of up to 14 years.

Ice Poseidon is known for IRL streams

Ice Poseidon is widely recognized for his IRL (In Real Life) broadcasts, in which he explores cities and shares his daily life with his followers.

This type of transmission, however, can attract the attention of “stream snipers”, viewers who decide to interact personally with the streamer during the live. Unfortunately, not all of these interactions are friendly, as evidenced by the recent attack.

Image of streamer Ice Poseidon being attacked by Pepper Spray
(Image: Reproduction/Kick)
Bruno Rodrigues
published in October 9, 2023


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