Danny Lum engineering content creator, surprised the engineering community VALUING after creating a project with artificial intelligence. The focus was to recreate a turret from Killjoy that detects people and shoots balls at targets. Production and programming took approximately six months.

(Photo: Reproduction/Danny Lum)

Killjoy’s turret recreation features approx. 60cm tall and its structure was made using 3D printing technology. Furthermore, the engineer incorporated engines and a recognition system with artificial intelligence to ensure that the project was as faithful as possible to the game’s representation.

This isn’t the first time Danny has done a VALORANT project. In 2022, he recreated Bombinho da Razealso with 3D printing and the AI ​​system.

Raquel Ferreira
published in October 6, 2023

Source: https://maisesports.com.br/valorant-com-impressao-3d-e-inteligencia-artificial-engenheiro-recria-torreta-da-killjoy

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