When we finish a journey, we always have some ideas in our heads. What if we had the opportunity to make a different choice? What would happen if the villain took the opposite direction at a certain point in the story?

In situations like these, some players decide to take the lead and bring their own projects to life. While many of these remain forgotten, There are others that gain a lot of notoriety in the community and become huge successes.

If you are someone who likes to support projects created by the community itself, below we will list six games that were created by fans. Many of them are as good or better than their original titlesand in some cases they continue a story imagined by their own creators.

1. AM2R

Let’s start with a title that caught a lot of attention from the community, but was blocked by Nintendo. AM2R is an acronym for Another Metroid 2 Remakea project whose basis was to recreate a remake of Metroid 2: Return of Samus.

This game is signed by Argentine developer Milton Guasti, and puts the title originally released for Game Boy in the format of Super Metroid. Visually speaking, the game was very beautiful and had several areas to explore, attracting the attention of many people to the work done by one person.

Even though the project was cancelled, Milton’s work was noticed by the Moon Studios team. As a result, he was hired by the production company and worked as a designer on Ori and the Wil of the Whisps.

2. Streets of Rage Remake

The series Streets of Rage It hasn’t received an official game from Sega for many years, but as far as the community is concerned, it won’t die any time soon. Because of this, one of the best works made by fans is Streets of Rage Remake.

The game was released in 2011 for PC and Many consider this version better than the Mega Drive games. It emerged as a tribute to the legacy of the beat’em up franchise, and brings a very generous package with plenty of content and 18 selectable characters.

3. Chrono Ressurrection

There is no doubt that Chrono Trigger It is a work for several players. Your package is still pleasing today, visually speaking, and for a while it didn’t get an improved and fully 3D version.

Chrono Ressurrection is another one of those projects that would certainly have the same success as its original source. The idea was for it to work on Nintendo 64 emulators, bringing completely redone graphics and music.

Even though many were keeping an eye on the game, it was banned by Square Enix in 2004. Therefore, there were only a few trailers left on the internet for what would be a great remake of the story of Crono and his friends.

4. Pokémon Uranium

The franchise Pokémon There are several games, but there was still room for something more. In this way, the community welcomed the arrival of Pokémon Uranium.

Pokémon Uranium It was created entirely in RPG Maker XP, but it’s not far behind the games that are already available on the market. In fact, it shares all the ideas that exist in the other games in the franchise.

No total, This title features more than 190 creatures to capturein addition to allowing you to explore the unprecedented region of Tandor in search of badges to participate in the local tournament.

5. Black Mesa

Valve is not officially working with Half-Life a few years ago. However, it intends to let the community give free rein to its imagination with its franchises, and proof of this is Black Mesa.

Black Mesa is a recreation of the first Half-Life made available in 1998, bringing improved visuals and some other additional elements. It didn’t take long for him to catch the attention of fans of Gordon Freeman’s adventures, and even Gabe Newell’s own company.

In fact, as we mentioned previously, Black Mesa It’s a title that ended up working. In the end, it is available for purchase on Steam, indicating that it received the blessing of Valve itself.

6. Sonic: After the Sequel

Let’s close our list with a game from Sega’s beloved blue hedgehog, and a project that didn’t take long to become popular with the community.

Sonic: After the Sequel is a title that is situated between Sonic 2 e Sonic 3 & Knuckles. So, if you’re a fan of 2D games starring Sega’s mascot, this game has plenty of content to fill your free time.

And for you, is there a fan-made game that surpassed its original game? Share your opinion with other readers using our social networks.

Source: https://www.tecmundo.com.br/voxel/282569-6-projetos-feitos-fas-melhores-que-jogos-originais.htm

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