The wait is over and the Unity It is HERO Base! This Tuesday (13), the organization of Flakes Power announced his arrival at VALUING to compete for the Challengers Brasil 2024. It is worth noting that the information had already been verified previously by the More Esports.

Check out the Hero Base announcement

Trajectory in VALORANT

The Hero Base cast is made up of the core of The Union with: askia, pancc, raafa e GuhRVN. Furthermore, the players brought dgzin to be the duelist, Ryotzz e Hiromi in the technical committee.

The Union left the VALORANT competitive scene after dissatisfaction with the Riot Games calendar and granted the place to the players who formed the Union.

Hero Base Cast for Challengers 2024:

  • Rafa
  • ask
  • pancc
  • GuhRVN
  • dgzin
  • Hiromi (coach)
  • Ryotzz (coach)

Debut at VCB 2024

HERO Base debuts at VCB 2024 this Wednesday (14) against Legacyat 5pm, Brasília time, in the first series of the day.

(Image: Disclosure/Hero Base)
Raquel Ferreira
published in February 13, 2024


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