O quotation marks is officially a player Leviathan! The Argentine organization announced the signing of the Brazilian player this Wednesday (11). Former teammates from LOUD congratulated the player on his new team.

Exit from LOUD

O Brazilian player left LOUD on September 11th it’s at Brazilian organization confirmed last Sunday that the player would not defend the team in 2024. Furthermore, according to the information, the motivations for the departure of quotes from the cast were various dissatisfactions.

Leviatán and Brazilian star

He is a Lembo leaker previously reported Leviatán’s interest in hiring quotation marksin addition, the CEO himself confirmed the information in an interview with More Esports. Now, the Brazilian star will wear the Argentine organization’s shirt next year.

Raquel Ferreira
published in October 11, 2023edited 3 days ago

Source: https://maisesports.com.br/valorant-jogadores-da-loud-parabenizam-aspas-por-contratacao-na-leviatan

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