This Saturday (16) Daiki, player on the inclusive team VALUING and Team Liquidissued a public apology following the controversy caused by his criticism of the choice of srN as the best athlete in the inclusive VALORANT scene in Brazil 2023 esports award.
During the awards ceremony on Thursday (14), Daiki expressed his dissatisfaction on social media, claiming that srN had not participated in the first split and that his teammate, beard, deserved the award more. This opinion was shared by other community members and fans.
Daiki speaks out after srN case
Daiki spoke out on Saturday, apologizing for the delay in his response and acknowledging the lack of responsibility in his statements. Furthermore, she emphasized that she did not intend to incite hatred against srN and that she was sorry for the negative repercussions that her words caused.
The Team Liquid player expressed her apologies to srN publicly and highlighted that she had recanted with her (srN) privately on Friday (15). She also regretted the inappropriate direction of criticism, diverting the focus from the true victim of the situation.
First of all, I would like to apologize for the delay in taking a stand, I have never been in this situation and it really shocked me.
When I made my tweet, it didn’t cross my mind that they would use it to incite hatred towards you, I know it was a lack of responsibility on my part, I confess that…
— Liquid daiki (@daikifps) December 16, 2023
The transphobic messages to srN went beyond the limits of the esports community and reached the political scene. The federal deputies Nicholas Ferreira (PL-MG) e Eduardo Bolsonaro (PL-SP) mocking the player’s victory. In response, the federal deputy Erika Hilton sent a letter to the MPF Citizen’s Rights Attorney’s Office, requesting an investigation into the case.
Press release from srN
The note released by srN highlights the need for advances in the inclusive modality and repudiates the prejudice present even in spaces designed to celebrate cis, trans and non-binary talents.
The athlete thanked those who showed solidarity with the situation for their support. The development of the investigation requested by congresswoman Erika Hilton will be awaited to shed light on the fight against transphobia in the esports scene.
In Brazil, anyone who offends or discriminates against gays, lesbians, bisexuals or transgender people is subject to punishment of one to three years in prison, provided for in Law No. 7,716/89, which defines crimes resulting from racial or color prejudice. Just like the crime of racism, LGBTphobia is a non-bailable and imprescriptible crime.

Source: https://maisesports.com.br/valorant-daiki-pede-desculpas-por-criticas-apos-premio-esports-brasil-2023