This Tuesday (17) information was leaked about the new agent VALUING, which should be released at the end of October. According to ValorLeaks, the agent is called Iso.

In the publication, the profile shared an image that shows the name “ISO” in the agent bar of a test account. Furthermore, the agent appears to have a knife, a detail that theorizes his abilities.

Recently, Riot Games invited some content creators to participate in an event in Los Angeles, including the streamer Danny Jones. Furthermore, he received a gift, with symbols that indicate the new agent’s abilities.

As already revealed by Riot Games itself the next agent will be a duelist and may have a Chinese nationality, just like the iconic Sage, one of the main characters in the game’s story. With the possible arrival of Iso, the list of duelist role agents will reach seven characters.

When does the new VALORANT agent arrive?

The arrival of VALORANT Act 3 Episode 7 is scheduled for the day October 31stthis should be the release date of the game’s new character.

In addition to the new agent, players can expect the introduction of new cosmetic content for the Battle Pass, skin collections, and a host of other exciting new additions.

(Photo: Reproduction/Riot Games)
Raquel Ferreira
published in October 17, 2023edited 3 days ago


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