The eSports scene has been gaining more and more popularity in Brazil in recent years — but that’s no longer a secret to anyone. According to Pesquisa Game Brasil (PGB) 2024, more than 75% of Brazilians consider electronic games to be a legitimate sport.

According to the PGB 2024 survey, which interviewed more than 13 thousand people in this year’s edition, around 73.9% play digital games — and, of this total, 82.1% know about eSports.

Furthermore, the majority (50.1%) say they prefer to play games in the category, while the other 49.9% only like to follow tournaments and championships that take place around the world.

According to PGB 2024, 76.5% of respondents consider eSports a legitimate sport.Source: Pesquisa Game Brasil

The Game Brasil Survey also mapped the opinion of those interviewed regarding eSports as a sports category — and the reception seems to be very positive, in fact. Check out:

  • 76.5% consider eSports to be a legitimate sport;
  • 85.2% consider eSports a serious and committed activity;
  • 75% consider that the emotions watching an eSports match can be the same as those of a traditional sports match;
  • 83.7% agree that an eSports athlete is someone who goes beyond their limits;
  • 54.5% consider it important to buy products from brands that sponsor their favorite eSports team;
  • 73% consider it important to learn about the team’s history.

PGB survey helps to understand the needs of the national scenario

The PGB survey of the eSports scenario in Brazil is essential to understand the size and behavior of the Brazilian public. The numbers help a lot in understanding the strengths and weaknesses of this market in our territory.

“This panel specifically focused on eSports is extremely important for us to understand consumer behavior and the dimension of the professional gamer scene here in Brazil”, says Carlos Silva, partner at Go Gamers.

“We realized with these results that the public in Brazil who plays and follows electronic sports takes the sport seriously, enabling more investment opportunities in the area and in professional players”, continued Silva.

A large part of the eSports audience in Brazil is millennials

The argument that “video games are for kids” went down the drain with the Game Brasil 2024 Survey. According to the survey, 35.8% of respondents are between 25 and 34 years old — therefore, a large proportion are millennials. Additionally, 39.4% of eSports viewers are between 30 and 39 years old.

According to PGB 2024, 39.4% of viewers of eSports matches are between 30 and 39 years old.According to PGB 2024, 39.4% of viewers of eSports matches are between 30 and 39 years old.Source: Pesquisa Game Brasil

Around 38% play eSports games every day — with 20.7% dedicating four to six hours of gaming per week across all platforms. Furthermore, 59.7% have already purchased skins for characters or equipment.

The eSports betting scene in Brazil has also been growing absurdly — just like in other traditional sports, such as football. According to the PGB, 50.6% think it is important to place sports bets on their favorite team’s games — with 80.7% of this amount saying they have already invested between R$50 and R$300.

And you, do you follow the eSports scene in Brazil? Comment on social media Voxel!


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