If you follow and/or have followed the LoL scene for a while, you’ve already met the Revolt. Be the da Junglebe the didactic streamerbe the technician from Ilha das Lendas Academy, the interviewer from the program The Next Move, or the most recent Legend from Ilha das Lendas.

O More Esports interviewed the multifaceted Revolta to understand more about the recent chapters as a possible LOUD coach, coach of a new generation and being part of the generation of streamers who want to save the scene.

Photo: Mais Esports

Janela Revolta – LOUD Coach?

The starting point of this interview was to understand the “window” that Revolta went through, from almost LOUD coach, to actually coaching a team in the Academy qualifiers. First I wanted to understand if the competitive “flame” had been rekindled.

Man, I received proposals from three teams in this CBLOL window to act as coach, the one everyone knows was, of course, LOUD. The flame lit up and it’s always burning, it never ended and I think that’s the point. What was different about LOUD’s proposal was thinking about bringing together knowledge, after all, when you bring Tockers and me together, you are seeking the knowledge that we have. And when I watch CBLOL, I think: man, these guys don’t know how to do what we did in 2016. It’s something that might be a bit nostalgic, but then I talk to Mylon, Loop, Takeshi and everyone says: The CBLOL people don’t really apply their knowledge.

Why don’t they apply it, Revolt?

Maybe because the best players stopped and knowledge was not passed on in terms of coaching staff. And this migration of players to staffs did not happen here either, as is already the case in the LPL or LCK. So I want to take on this position, but it’s difficult, after all, today I live a very structured life as a streamer with a much healthier routine.

Revolta also highlighted two points in LOUD’s proposal that made him rethink:

However, what caught my attention about LOUD’s proposal was: they understood the field they were entering, after all they were the ORG that revolutionized the issue of influencers, they knew it wouldn’t be possible to come up with a salary for a coach who didn’t works in the influencer sector, for example. And their team too, because they want to win and of course: if you ask anyone from CBLOL if they want to win, they will say yes, but LOUD players do what is necessary. Everyone wants it, but not everyone does what is necessary, there is this difference and more: their objective is to win at the international level, so they would need to do much more and they were willing to make this sacrifice, and that was what most impressed me. caught attention.

Revolta Coach (do IDL Academy)

Revolta’s first internship as a member of Ilha das Lendas was coaching Ilha’s Academy. Adding to what has already been said, about players not applying knowledge, I asked if there was a moment when he had a reality check with the new generation players.

I think there were 3 shocks in my career: first in 2017 when I joined Keyd, which had Esa and Takeshi who I always thought were very good, but when Yang and I arrived we couldn’t do anything. It seemed like we spoke Greek, and they were a team that always reached the finals, got upset in the playoffs, but there was a difference in knowledge and that was my first shock.

Revolt in the time of Vivo Keyd. Photo: Reproduction/Riot Games

O second shock It was in 2021 when I returned to INTZ, and when I joined I already saw: it’s not cool, people don’t know things, something is wrong.

And the third It was on Island of Legends. When I got there we had Tockers and Yang, retired, Flare and Yuki recently retired and ex-Academy and Accez who was at CBLOL. And I was really shocked by how much I saw from Accez, Flare and Yuki in terms of the game itself, compared to Tockers and Yang. Of course, experience counts a lot, but the base is not as equipped with knowledge as people might think.

Revolta claims that he saw a bit of Revolta at Accez too:

I even talked a lot with Accez during the process, because we are junglers, and I saw a lot of things in him that I went through in 2013/2014. We managed to fix some of these things in a short time due to his good will, and my experience. But often it’s not about teaching new concepts, but rather breaking concepts already taught, which limit the player. This was the part I focused on the most, on how to break what was done poorly.

Elements of the past to understand the present

Taking the previous answer as a hook, I asked if this “bootcamp” in the new generation gave him the impression of a step back from the scene, and this opened a new window in the interview.

Revolts with the RED Canids shirt and sits in front of the computer
Revolta defended RED Canids in 2019. Photo: Reproduction/Riot Games

I think there is a hole in our history that was created by a wrong narrative, which was Exódia.

Revolta continues talking about how Peter’s narrative in Exódia affected the scenario:

Exódia’s trump card is largely attributed to Peter (Dun), but he was with us in a two-year split in which we won everything, and we went through a long period without a coach, Abaxial joined when I left, in the second split. In the first split we went through without a coach, and Abaxial’s role was very much about optimizing the team instead of teaching LoL, he brought a lot of knowledge from outside – but once we absorbed it – we developed it alone , he didn’t need to develop it for us. So we made his job easier and he was able to add a lot more because of that, both in terms of the game and outside the game, because we made the effort to play the training, watch the video, talk about it, debate as a team, If someone doesn’t understand the concept, we explain it and we evolve as an individual group at the same time.

Peter came, brought a lot of knowledge from abroad and helped break down our barriers, we had reached a ceiling which was playing in Brazil and winning everything. So it was difficult for us to evolve, Peter helped this evolution a lot, I feel like that doesn’t happen today. I had a lot of problems in the last years of my career from 2019 to 2021, because I would get angry if the player didn’t know how to execute a champion and the coach and ORG would fight with me, like: “oh you can’t do that, whoever does that is the coach” and I was devastated. So, the scenario changed and I didn’t adapt to this change, because my way of seeing the competition doesn’t match the way the scenario is seeing it and that’s why I stopped.

Revolta, on the other hand, claims to have good professionals on the scene:

We have good coaches and good players, but just playing is not enough. To compete at the international level you need to be a good competitor. Something that most people often don’t understand.

Island of Legends: a new team, and a new Uprising?

The Streamer is now a Legend, I wanted to understand what it was like to adapt – after all – the content is a reference for more didactic content, while Ilha is pure entertainment.

As you mentioned, my content is more educational and the Ilha community is not used to this side, and of course, over at Gayssip people also see my other side of entertainment, but I’m doing a recent test now with the LPL and LCK broadcasts, after all, to understand these leagues you need to watch them for a while, it’s another League of Legends. And I’m getting really cool feedback with this, explaining to everyone in the chat to understand – whether they’re iron or challenging – what’s happening on their screen.

Revolt in his most current project, The Next Move. Photo: Reproduction/Riot Games

Then the same person sees CBLOL and comes to chat that they were able to see this famous difference, this is very enjoyable, so I can communicate with a larger audience and maybe even generate interest from the public in learning more about LoL. Ilha das Lendas is a cannon to hit the community with anything, whether good or bad, so sometimes we can inspire the guy who is in the Grand Master to want to understand more about the competitive world, and he actually gets into it, and then He is an extra person in the professional scene.

Revolt having more revolts?

Something we associated in the interview was: Revolta lives a milder climate with Ilha das Lendas, and this was very much proven in this video:

Revolt, do you think you can help the community to have a greater critical sense? Using this example video, do you see this window open as well?

So, I even said in the video: I promised I would never do this, but it’s absurd in 2024 that we don’t know this, it’s bizarre. I wasn’t on the broadcast, but I really wanted to expose this, and man, everyone liked the video and everyone could understand that I was outraged by the INTZ situation and the LoL issue and now I see: if one day I want to talk about this I can be more instructive about why the team is wrong, I can do it, I don’t need to be that annoying guy. We can combine the fun and the smart, so to speak.

Something that people don’t know is that Baiano, when he called everyone, he told everyone to be very careful with what we say on broadcasts, exactly because of what you said about critical sense: when people want to criticize, they They only criticize and then, because they don’t know how, they often just repeat things they already hear.

The future of Revolta

What can we expect from your future, Revolt?

One of the things I talked about with Baiano, is not because I joined Ilha that my projects are projects for Ilha das Lendas. At the same time, I’ve always seen it this way, when I join a partnership/team/group of people, for me they are my family – so if Baiano turns to me and says he really liked a project X and asks me to do it together, This has become my priority, and we are together. I’m going to do things outside of Ilha, probably in about 2 or 3 months there will be something I’m preparing for the community.

Are there any spoilers?

It’s something I’ve been asked for for a long time and I’ve always been resistant, but I think the community needs it and it will be good for everyone and it’s something more focused on the didactic side.

Revolta ends, as a new era begins in the streamer’s career.

Follow the complete coverage of CBLOL 2024 1st split with game calendar, results, tables and other information here on More Esports!

In the photo, Revolta former player and Streamer being announced as the new member of Ilha das Lendas
Photo: Disclosure/N9ne Cats

Source: https://maisesports.com.br/lol-eu-tive-tres-grandes-choques-na-minha-carreira-diz-revolta

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