Elden Ring is a soulslike popularly known for its high difficulty. The game, which was elected Best Game of 2022 by The Game Awards – an award considered the Oscar of Video Games –, has among its high points the challenging battles against the fearsome bosses.
And among them is Malenia, Miquella’s Blade. Although facing her is not mandatory to complete the game, it is necessary for those who want to make 100% progress, or want to unlock all the game’s trophies and achievements.
And to help you in this difficult mission, today we at Voxel have brought you a series of tips to be used in combat. Read on and check them out!
Walkthrough to defeat Malenia, one of the hardest bosses in Elden Ring
First of all, it is recommended that you are at a fairly high level for the confrontation, something around 120 or more. In addition, it is necessary that you have some items, being the Freezing Pot one of the most important.
With it, it is possible to stop one of Malenia’s most deadly attacks: the one she performs when she is in the air, which consumes almost all of her life energy.
Malenia is one of the most feared enemies in Elden Ring.Fonte: Gamerant
And before we get to the fight, it’s also important to remember that it’s crucial that you use Mimic Tear in combat. For those who don’t know, the feature creates a copy of your character which, in turn, can not only attack Malenia, but also receive most of the blows, saving damage.
Regarding the game strategy, it is important to pay attention to two moments: the beginning and end of combat.
In the initial part, Malenia moves more slowly, which makes it the ideal time to use items, spells or focus on slower attacks that cause greater damage.
In the final part, more precisely when Malenia’s energy is left at just a quarter, this is when the game’s villain unleashes more devastating blows. Therefore, you can take advantage of the moment to go all out and try to defeat her as quickly as possible, or choose to defend yourself better and counterattack masterfully.
It is worth noting that Malenia has a weakness to ice elementals. This way, if your character has spells or weapons that cause some freezing effect, you can gain a good advantage in the confrontation.
With our tips it will be easier to defeat Malenia.Fonte: PC Gamer
We hope that with mine you will have an easier time defeating the fearsome Malenia and finishing the game with a flourish.
Did you like the content? If you want to stay up to date on how to beat game levels and become even stronger in games, keep an eye on Voxel. Take the opportunity to learn how to cure poisoning in Elden Ring. See you next time!
Source: https://www.tecmundo.com.br/voxel/287844-derrotar-malenia-elden-ring.htm