The transfer window in Brazil has not closed, but all teams are practically confirmed for the CBLOL 2024 1st Split. A INTZ is one of them.

On Friday (09), the Intrépidos confirmed the signings of Tay and Damage. The top laner returns to the organization, in which he is an idol and has won two titles, while the support will have a new stage in his career in a new organization.

INTZ team at CBLOL 2024 1st split

  • TOP: Tay
  • JUNGLE: Yampi
  • MID: Aithusa
  • ADC: NinjaKiwi
  • SUP: Damage

How was the INTZ window?

The Intrepids’ off-season was extremely turbulent. They put themselves in good situations, but were unable to take advantage of these spaces to put together the team that the fans really wanted.

The organization renewed with Yampi and NinjaKiwi, in addition to keeping the technical committee responsible for the success in the last stage for another two years.

Tay e Damagetwo names that are already closed, were already of interest to INTZ from the beginning, due to the departure of Zzk and Nia. The Intrépidos wanted to have a completely Brazilian team again.

For a long time they had the front to bring Envy to the place of We are wild. The mid laner, who is one of the idols of the intrepid fans, ended up choosing to sign with LOS Grandes.

The intrepids also traded with Shini, but Envy’s non-arrival meant that the jungler, also ex-INTZ, did not accept the proposal. As a result, Shini will not return to competition in the 1st split of 2024.

For the mid, Aithusa is the name mentioned, as the organization prefers to have a young talent in the position as they did not sign Envy, their biggest desire in this window.

Other CBLOL 2024 teams

Luis Santana
published in December 9, 2023


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