A FURY is in a bad moment after the tenth round of CBLOL 2024, accumulating only 3 wins in the 10 opportunities. The moment of frustration made the FURIA technician, Maestrotook to social media in an outburst and promised changes.

Changes to FURIA could happen in the next round of CBLOL 2024

According to an investigation by the More Esportsa top-side of Destroy (Top) e Mir (Jungle), Korean signings from FURIA’s last window could be replaced by Xyno (Top) e Stiner (Jungle) – players from the organization’s Academy.

Photo: Reproduction/CBLOL Flickr

Who will replace in the FURIA Academy?

According to leaker Rakan News, FURIA will choose to use players from its own Trainee system to replace the Top and Jungle roles at the Academy.

The players in question are the Feast (Top) e VINEYARDS (Jungle). Check out more information:

Community reacts to substitutions in FURIA’s CBLOL 2024 squad

The community had already been asking for changes since the first rounds, especially that of top-laner Destroy. Check out how the community reacted to the information gathered:

Can FURIA turn it around in the 2nd round?

Will the change be the turning point that FURIA needs to get back to having a chance in the playoffs? To find out, just follow FURIA’s trajectory in the complete coverage of the CBLOL 2024 1st split with game calendar, results, table and other information here on More Esports!

In the photo the cast of FURIA 2024
Photo: Reproduction/FURIA

Source: https://maisesports.com.br/cblol-2024-furia-pode-fazer-substituicoes-no-top-side-do-time

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