The Brazilian transfer window is coming to an end and most teams have already announced the departure of some players. O Flow announced the departure of the last two athletes who were part of the squad.

This Monday (04), the organization announced that Hauz e Disamis are no longer part of the team. The duo arrived at the beginning of 2023 with Goal, Jojo e Taybut they did not achieve the results that were expected from the squad.

In addition to jungle and mid, all three other members of the team have also left Fluxo. Brance and Jojo have already been announced as RED Canids reinforcements for 2024.

Hauz and Disamis have their fate forwarded to CBLOL

Both players already have a new home for the CBLOL 2024 1st Spit. Hauz is listed in Kabum and should complete the Ninjas squad, which will also feature the arrivals of Malrang, Neptune e Ceos.

Already Disamis will be part of I live Keyd Stars, which is captained by SeeEl, in addition to Toucouille and SMILEY, two players straight from Europe. ProDelta will also take Damage’s place on the Warriors.

See below the latest news about the Transfer Window:

Reproduction/Riot Games
Luis Santana
published in December 4, 2023


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