The franchises GTA e Red Dead Redemptioncertainly, are the cash cows of Rockstar. In addition, of course, both are two acclaimed intellectual properties in the gaming industry.

While one addresses hot topics of modern times, the other is set in a true history lesson of the American Old West. Well, they are two distinct eras with more than 100 years between them, but do they really matter? the franchises GTA e Red Dead Redemption are part of the same universe?

A Rockstar has never made the answer to this question clear.although it has done so subtly with numerous references and easter eggs over the past few years. By meeting certain characters or exploring the universe of both franchises, players can find clues that the two series are more related than it seems.

Do Red Dead and GTA coexist in the same universe?Source: Rockstar

O Voxel separated below some of the main references that, in a way, prove the point that the franchises GTA e Red Dead Redemption are set in the same universe. Want to know what they are? Then check it out below!

Van Der Linde Treasure Hunt in GTA Online

Van Der Linde's Treasure in GTA Online.Van Der Linde’s Treasure in GTA Online.Source: Rockstar

Before the release of Red Dead Redemption 2 in 2018, players from GTA Online received an email from the user “”, which directed them to a treasure hunt mission. Well, Van Der Linde was the surname of Dutch, the leader of the gang that had Arthur Morgan as his right-hand man.

The reward in question was none other than a double-action revolver, which can also be found in a mission RDR 2. The fact that the item exists in both games is a clear indicative of that GTA e RDR coexist in the same universe.

UFOs in both games are very similar

UFOs also appear in Red Dead Redemption 2.UFOs also appear in Red Dead Redemption 2.Source: Rockstar

Rockstar is well known for playing with the issue of UFOs in its games. Well, coincidentally, an unidentified flying object has appeared both GTA V How much RDR 2 — and apparently it could be the same ship in both games.

The two craft have a similar shape, light pattern and color scheme, which adds more weight to the idea that they could be the same UFO. This could mean that aliens have been visiting the Rockstar universe for quite some time.

J. Marston’s book on Franklin’s bookshelf in GTA 5

Book "Red Dead"which was written by J. Marston and can be found in Franklin's room in GTA 5.Book “Red Dead”, which was written by J. Marston and can be found in Franklin’s room in GTA 5.Source: Rockstar

Throughout both games in the franchise Red Dead Redemptionplayers delve deeper into the story of Jack Marston, son of John Marston — the protagonist of the first game and a key player in the sequel. There are numerous dialogues that suggest the character’s passion for reading and writing.

Well, apparently, guns aren’t the only objects that lend credence to the theory that GTA e RDR are set in the same universe. On a bookshelf in Franklin’s room, one of the protagonists of GTA 5, It is possible to find a blue book called “Red Dead”, by J. Marston. Was it written by Jack? That is the question!

Descendant of Kraff, the entity of a religion in GTA 5

Francis Sinclair on the left and a member of the Epsilon Program on the right.Francis Sinclair on the left and a member of the Epsilon Program on the right.Source: Rockstar

In one of the numerous side quests available in Red Dead Redemption 2players meet the character Francis Sinclair, who has a birthmark on his right eye and speaks with a different accent. Many speculate that he was a time traveler, as numerous mysterious drawings can be found on the walls of his cabin.

Em GTA V There is a cult group called the Epsilon Program, which serves a deity named Kraff. The supposed descendants of this entity are known to have a birthmark on their face — one that looks similar to Francis Sinclair’s. This is potentially one of the best pieces of evidence that both franchises coexist in the same universe.

Madame Nazar appears in both games

Madame Nazar, a gypsy merchant from Red Dead Online who also appears in GTA Online on a fortune-telling machine.Madame Nazar, a gypsy merchant from Red Dead Online who also appears in GTA Online on a fortune-telling machine.Source: Rockstar

Madame Nazar is a gypsy merchant who works as a collector in Red Dead Online — she also has clairvoyant gifts. Well, despite her being “old school”, there is a fortune-telling machine in GTA Online which has exactly the same appearance as the character.

This connection becomes even more intense when you discover that, in addition to the appearance being extremely similar, the machine also features quotes that refer to both GTA How much Red Dead — like, for example, a mysterious man in a top hat who is mentioned in both games. Did she become famous enough to have her own fortune-telling machine?

GTA 6 hasn’t even been released yet but it already has a Red Dead Online reference

Everett Morgan's face on the convenience store window on the left and his wanted poster in Red Dead Online on the right.Everett Morgan’s face on the convenience store window on the left and his wanted poster in Red Dead Online on the right.Source: Rockstar

The expectation for GTA 6 is big — in fact, it’s one of the most anticipated releases of all time. But did you know that the sequel hasn’t even been released yet and it already has a beautiful reference to Red Dead Online?

In the reveal trailer, as Lucia and Jason break into a convenience store, you can see Everett Morgan’s face on a glass door. He’s a notorious gangster from Red Dead Redemption who was hunted for his involvement in a train robbery — you can even play this mission in Red Dead Online. Will we have more references from RDR em GTA 6?

Well, these are enough facts to justify the coexistence of GTA e Red Dead in the same universeisn’t it? Comment on the social networks Voxel Which of the curiosities did you like the most!


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