A Riot Games recently announced the VALORANT 2024 schedule. Furthermore, according to information from The Enemy, the Challengers Brasil 2024 (VCB) will have a relegation system.

Upon publication, the system will change at the end of each stage of the championship. O VCB 2024 will have three stages, the last stage corresponding to the following year. Thus, two teams fall to relegation.

How relegation will occur in VCB 2024

So far, Riot Games has not released any details about the demotion, but the investigation indicated two possibilities for demotion.

Firstly, direct relegation, without clashes between teams or a Promotion Series. Thus, the teams face each other and whoever wins guarantees their place in the second split.

It is important to highlight that VCB 2024 will start between January and February, will take place online, with in-person playoffs and will feature 12 teams.

On the other hand, the Premierofficially launched in August this year, with the purpose of providing an experience closer to the professional scene for amateur players. As already indicated in the 2024 VCT calendar, Riot reinforced that next year will consolidate this function for the game mode.

Premier is mandatory to participate in VCB 2024

Premier will be an important part for new players in the VALORANT competitive scene. Having played in the Premier Challenger division will be a prerequisite for anyone wanting to play in the Challengers Open Qualifier.

In the second split of 2024, the best Premier teams will face a promotion tournament against Challengers teams, earning a direct place in the tournament. By the end of 2024, all teams in the championship must have passed through the Premier.

Photo: Bruno Alvarez/Riot Games
Raquel Ferreira
published in September 17, 2023

Source: https://maisesports.com.br/vcb-2024-temporada-tera-rebaixamento-e-vagas-irao-para-o-premier-diz-site

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