Geeky Tikis has pre-sold an incredible Geeky Tikis mug inspired by the Zoltar’s arcade machine.

The mug zolt 24 oz. Geeki Tikis Mug has the shape of the iconic omniscient guessing machine of the wizard of the wizard Zoltar with his turban and a crystal ball to predict the future of those who have a penny. The mug/machine has a beautiful brown enameled painting with white, red and yellow details, as well as black interior and polynesium style.

The mug of the animatronic machine is made of high quality ceramic and durability, measures approximately 21 cm high by 10 cm wide and has a capacity of 710 ml of hot or cold liquid.

The Zoltar Geeki Tikis Mug mug costs $ 29.99 in the pre-sale of Entertainment Earth, which accepts orders from Brazil.

See more toys of the Zoltar Drive Machine and other Tiki style mugs here on the toy blog.

Via geeki tikis.

Geeky Tikis Zoltar mug

Geeky Tikis Zoltar mug


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