Originally announced at a 2020 Microsoft announcement event, State of Decay 3 It fell into limbo and we haven’t had any more information about the game since then. However, the good news here is that Undead Labs finally revealed news about the sequel at this Sunday’s Xbox Showcase (09).

Unfortunately, we didn’t even get a glimpse of the sequence’s gameplay, but rather a very dramatic cinematic with some details about the game’s narrative. Therefore, those who were hoping to have a better idea of ​​what’s coming will have to wait a little longer.

However, it became quite clear that one of the strengths of State of Decay 3 they will be the survivors, who will have a more elaborate background — going far beyond the traditional base management of previous games. Check out:

State of Decay 3 had a lot of support from Microsoft

State of Decay isn’t your typical zombie or survival series — it’s “driven by hope, not despair.” Yes, there are zombies that you must battle, but there are strong themes that run through the game, touching on subjects like perseverance, community, and skillful navigation challenges that help the series stand out from the horde.

State of Decay 3 had a dramatic trailer released at the Xbox Showcase this Sunday (09).Fonte:  Xbox

“I don’t think we could achieve the vision of State of Decay 3 if we weren’t part of Microsoft,” says the sequel’s creative director, Kevin Patzelt. According to the developer, the company’s support was crucial to making the game happen.

“I think if we had remained independent, we simply wouldn’t have had the time and space and support that we needed to be where we are today and to launch what we know we can do. I feel like as a team, at least in my career, I’ve never I felt so supported to do what we know we want to do.”

Expansive and visceral open world

The delay in launching the game, which still has no expected arrival date, can be justified by its ambition. According to Undead Labs, the game is being made with the help of several studios, including Obsidian, and promises to deliver a grand and visceral open world.

Betting on immersion, the studio wants to deliver an open world that is expansive and shared between players. Additionally, old school fans can expect an in-depth building and item management experience, as well as cooperative gameplay.

All of this, however, should only be revealed later by Undead Labs. In the meantime, we can only wait for news on State of Decay 3, which will be released directly on Xbox Game Pass for PC and Xbox, but there is no set release date yet.

Looking forward to the premiere of State of Decay 3? Comment your expectations on social media Voxel!

Source: https://www.tecmundo.com.br/voxel/284776-anos-silencio-state-of-decay-3-finalmente-ganha-novidades-veja-trailer.htm

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