A FURY was vice-champion of Pinnacle Cup V, but the team faced great adversity. One of the technical leaders of the squad, KSCERATO went bad after the first map and had to be replaced by wars.
According to a statement from FURIA, the player spent the night in the hospital due to a hospital infection and with that Guerri had to assume the position of fifth player on the team in the decision. The team lost the second map and as it had already lost the first, it let the title slip away.
0-2 na final day #PinnacleCup V.
Nuke 13×16
Ancient 12×16
better for @zerozeronation na MD3. GGWP.thanks too much @guerri completely, and a quick recovery to the @kscerato <3.
Thanks for the support, Brazilian boy!#FURIACS returns on wednesday #ESLProLeague 18! pic.twitter.com/dAJpxoB65k
— FURY (@FURY) August 26, 2023
published in August 26, 2023edited 2 days ago
Source: https://maisesports.com.br/pinnacle-cup-v-kscerato-teve-que-ser-substituido-por-problema-de-saude