For some a relief and for others a despair: the days of Rell Jungle are counted. In the patch 14.7 preview, the Riot Phroxzon has already announced that Rell Jungle will finish.

(Image: Reproduction/Riot Games)

Well, friends… it’s over for Rell Jungle

In the Riot Phroxzon preview, it was announced that all Rell damage modifiers for Jungle will be removed. As a result, it will be impossible for the champion to clear the fields, check out Riot Phroxzon’s speech about the change:

Rell is only strong in the professional field, in the meantime we need to reduce Rell’s win percentage as a flex choice in the competitive field. She also has a very low pick rate in the jungle. Above all, these changes are good for casual players, but they will also reduce its competitive strength, which was problematic.

Na photo, o Riot Phroxzon
Photo: Reproduction/Riot Games

Community Reaction

The community reacted on Twitter, and Phroxzon’s speech makes even more sense when we see the amount of hatred that Rell Jungle caused among competitive spectators. Check out:

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(Image: Riot Games/Reproduction)


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