A LPL announced on its social networks that the Meikosupport from TESreached its number one assistance 8.500 in the match against FPX (02/26), he is the first player to achieve the feat not only in the LPL, but in the world!
Meiko has bizarre numbers beyond the LPL
As a comparison, the top 2 player in assists in LPL and the Ming com 5.728. Compared to the LCKthe player with the most assists in the league is Fakerwho managed to be the first player with 4.500 assistance in LCKin June.
If you count the number of assists in Meiko’s entire career, including international tournaments, it has already surpassed the number 11.000.
The player is also one of the few who won all the titles he played for: LPL, MSI e world!
Player longevity
Meiko commented that the biggest difference for a player to be successful is perseverance, and let’s say that the player’s longevity was a differentiator in his career.
Check out details about the player’s career:
Follow Meiko in LPL 2024
The support, legend in EDGtoday he is shining in TES and LPL 2024. To follow the legendary player, just tune in to complete coverage of CBLOL 2024 1st split with game calendar, results, table and other information here on More Esports!

published in February 27, 2024
Source: https://maisesports.com.br/lpl-2024-meiko-alcanca-recorde-historico-na-liga-e-no-mundo